Friday, February 4, 2011

New Medication and New Diet, Same Lack of Results

I know its only been a week since I started the new medicine, and only four days since I started the new diet but I still can't help but be a little frustrated that the scale hasn't changed.  My husband spent the same four days on the diet and looks lighter, his face even looks thinner and he only has maybe 15 pounds to lose.  I have zero appetite for the last week, have been sticking to a diet that is supposed to guarantee results to everyone, and nothing.  I feel like crap, my leg and stomach hurt from where I stick myself every night.  I'm exhausted from the lack of calories going in and the long days I put in.  And I can't sleep because I have to stick myself before I go to bed and the pain keeps me awake, and makes me feel like a giant baby.

I started this blog to have something positive out there to help me stay motivated and I feel like its to much of my complaints and not enough success's.  I just can't seem to find a better balance.  Not being hungry much of the time has helped stay on this diet, but its made it harder to get enough water in because my stomach starts to hurt from how much more water then food I take in and I have kind of a weak stomach.  SO I'm starting to feel dried out on top of everything else.  I don't know if I can take being on this new medication much longer.  I'm so tired that I haven't been able to swim.  I work out but the shear stamina it takes to keep afloat in a pool you can't touch bottom in for 50 mins scares me a little at this energy level. I'm a strong swimmer but I don't take needless chances and I won't swim when I feel this wiped out. 

I've been reading a lot, I always read a lot but my husbands put in about 80 hrs this week due to the bad weather so I've been on my own a lot, I think its making me even more moody, but for me its hard to tell.  I also found a diary I had started last January(I start one every year, never make it past February)and found it incredibly depressing to be only 3 pounds lighter then I was this time last year.  That and reading over my failures and thoughts and hang ups and realising that not enough has changed since then made me feel like I haven't done anything this past year but become a faster and stronger fat person.


  1. Give the medicine time.. I hope it does work for you. I know how frustrating it can be to put in the work and get no results.

  2. Ya know a blog can be a good place to dump all of the emotion and disappointment. Don't think you have to be positive all of the time. I used to think if I wasn't upbeat, I'd drive everyone away. Turns out more people are like me than I thought. And people want to share in your experiences. It makes them feel less alone.

  3. hugs

    I think my blog is so negative because, well, it has been lately. But the thing is--it's real. I much prefer to read the real blogs that aren't all rainbows and puppy dogs but are honest with the good, the bad and the indifferent. They're moreinspiring to me. And for the blogger--it's excellent therapy to get it all out there. So don't worry, keep blogging.

    Hope you're doing well.
